Tremoo Data Services

At Tremoo, we specialize in collecting high volumes of unstructured data, labelling and annotating images, videos, and transcriptions of texts and audio files. We refine the collected data into valuable datasets for the purposes of Machine Learning (ML) and building Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. Our Tremoo Scouts are spread across the world, capturing and uploading data in diverse industries. Our data analysts also customize datasets upon request for firms with specialized data needs. Our data capacity is simply limitless.

Our Approach

Unleash Synergistic Power Using Intelligent Tools and Humans-in-the-Loop Annotation to Enhance Machine Learning Models with Contextual Proficiency. Our platform enables us to effortlessly handle labeling and annotations of video, images, and texts of any size, thereby providing valuable input to propel technological innovations and processes across various industries. Working with Tremoo gives you limitless access to valuable datasets for all your AI and ML data needs, ensuring success at every stage. Utilize the collective intellect of humans and machines in perfect harmony, propelling your AI and ML ventures to unparalleled heights. Celebrate remarkable successes and groundbreaking innovation in the field of artificial intelligence.

Our Workforce

Tremoo maintains a robust and highly qualified workforce to handle all your data needs. Dedicated experts work around the clock to ensure that our customers get the ultimate data quality for their AI and ML needs. With over 100,000 Tremoo Scouts joining Tremoo every year, we have built an immense data collection workforce globally. With thousands of Quality Analysts assessing data quality for guaranteed data quality at each level, from collection, approval, cleanup, categorization to dataset release.

Our Process

Our process is adaptable and scalable. With thousands of Tremoo Scouts spread across the globe gathering high quality raw data, labelling, captioning and annotating data for AI and ML. Our Data Quality Assurance team ensuring that valuable datasets are obtained and categorized for AI training. Data quality defines our operations; right from data collection to data clean-up and definition of datasets. Quality data input yields valuable AI tools and you can never go wrong with Tremoo data.

Tremoo Data Collection System

Tremoo recognizes that AI tools are only as good as the data input used in training. To build valuable and reliable AI tools, quality data must be collected, analyzed, categorized, and adapted to the appropriate AI and ML models. Our workforce, coverage, and attention to detail imply that we can deliver data solutions to meet diverse customer needs. From small processes to large-scale and extremely refined data requirements, we are just a call away. Are you looking to build a dataset covering large continental scales? Tremoo has all that you need.

Tremoo Image

Tremoo's image labelling offers versatile tools for segmentation and localization, including bounding boxes, key points, line's, and polygons. Leveraging AI capabilities like SmartPoly and pre-labelling. Tremoo has the capacity to perform large scale data labelling on diverse images. With built-in annotation scoring, our software ensures precision and confidence in data points. Tremoo AI also provides intuitive annotation ontologies for data scientists to effortlessly configure and utilize, enabling the development of sophisticated models using millions of image-based data labels.

Tremoo Video

We utilize a cutting-edge video annotation technique to enhance accuracy and precision. By ensuring that our data collection system only accepts high resolution videos with precise subject identification for object detection and predictive AI tools. Our system accommodates massive video lengths and large amounts of 4K frames or 480p films for better AI input. Utilize our AI-driven technologies and cloud-based infrastructure to minimize annotations processes by up to 90%. With a simple but precise annotation procedure, you can save time and resources. Our video-based datasets are equipped with a comprehensive ontology framework that includes complex annotation levels including video categorization and object connections. Experience detailed annotations that are customized to your needs. Experience new horizons in AI data capture with Tremoo solutions.

Audio Transcription & Translation

Tremoo's text and audio-text capabilities are unmatched. With over 250 language's incorporated in both audio and text, our AI data capabilities are simply limitless. Our natural language processing (NLP) system is able to build valuable datasets from transcribed audio files in multiple languages and further translate into mainstream languages for the ease of utilization. Precision and adequacy guide our audio transcription and translation in pursuit of building versatile AI tools that are adaptable across the globe.

Tremoo Audio Translation

Enhance your AI audio capabilities through Tremoo Audio Translation solutions. We build your AI tools' audio capabilities through multi-language translations that encompass all the key languages. We go a step further to translate local dialects globally into mainstream languages while allowing customization as per your data needs. Tremoo's cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) software can be meticulously tailored to align precisely with your unique requirements, whether you are starting to develop a model geared towards named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, or any other audio-based utilization scenario. Our cutting-edge NLP gear includes a variety of user-friendly labeling methods and worker scoring capabilities, which significantly speeds up the achievement of excellent production standards for your NLP model. Scale your AI capability to new heights through Tremoo Audio data solutions.